“The man who travels alone can begin today. However, the one who travels with a companion should wait until that person is prepared.” — Henry David Thoreau

If the data are any indication, the majority of travellers agree with Thoreau. With increasing frequency, people travel on their own instead of waiting for other travelers in their group to arrive.

Solo travelers in recent years have reached 21 million only in the US and UK when they are combined. According to an article in the New York Times article in November. 2012. Internet search results of “solo vacation packages” increased by 60% on the previous year. The Department of Commerce’s Office of Travel & Tourism Industries (“OTTI”) revealed that an astounding 42 percent of U.S. citizens/residents that went to other countries in 2011 were traveling on their own. For those who were solo travellers, 38% traveled in leisure, Maui Kayak Rental or for visiting friends and relations (“VFR”) as well as 66% were on business. Similar to that, solo travelers inbound from other countries accounted for 36.2 percent. Of these, 23.6% were on leisure travel the other 62.2 percent were on work trips. The business and lifestyle trend is growing exponentially.

Who are Solo travelers?

Solo travelers comprise a wider group than a single-person population. They can include:

Two-career couples who work who travel for business, (or “DINK’S” (Dual Earnings with No Children).

* People who have relatives or friends from abroad. Kayak Rentals Maui

* Family members that are engaged in different hobbies or sports in the world.

Abercrombie and Kent’s Jill Fawcett has described their single travelers as “often… are married, or with partners however the spouses do not share the same passion… They’d like to travel with people who are similar to them which is why the group provides them a chance to have some interactions. They then return to their space… 25 percent of the people who go to join the Extreme Adventure series are (also) traveling on their own,” she said. “People are more at ease in a group when the location is difficult or there’s an obstacle in the way of communication.” Solo Travel is increasing at a rapid pace Phil Hoffman travel blog, 10/25/11.

Based on Grand Circle Corp chairman Alan Lewis, “Women are a rising market in the travel market for solo travelers… which is why the market for solo travelers has increased from 20 percent up to 25 percent of Grand Circle’s] total bookings over the last 5 years.”