Lawn aeration is a crucial yard maintenance job you’ll got to do regularly. Especially for top traffic lawns, aeration is important . There are several ways to lawn aerate your turf but before you are doing , you’ve got to understand the compaction of your soil to know which lawn aerating method you would like to use.

There are several lawn aerating methods available but before you are doing , know why you would like to lawn aerate. Best Gas Weed Eater

What is lawn aeration?

It is the method of putting holes within the ground to assist nutrients, air and water to succeed in the roots of the grass. When water and air is ate up your grass, they’re going to be healthy and green. If the roots of the grass in your lawn are healthy, they’re not only beautiful within the eyes but will likewise elevate the worth of your property.

Ways to lawn aerate your yard

There are two ways to aerate your lawn. One is turf aeration and therefore the other is core aeration.

Turf aeration tools are hand aerator, aeration shoes and spike aerator among others. In turf aeration, you employ spikes to poke holes on the soil. Turf lawn aerating will help low traffic lawn to assist feed the roots with nutrients, water and air. this is often however not recommended for top traffic lawns because they’re going to increase the compaction problem.

Core aeration on the opposite hand is useful as compared with turf aeration. this is often because in caore aeration, you lawn aerate by plugging holes and pulling soil creating a hallow hole where water and air will enter and thus circulate better. The nutrients will then reach deeper and larger roots to feeding them.

This doesn’t contribute to the compaction but rather exposes a hole where roots will grow giving your lawn a greener and healthier turf.

Now, allow us to check out the advantages of lawn aeration. While proper circulation of air and water is vital , there are other benefits once you lawn aerate.

o once you aerate your lawn, you improve drainage and reduce water runoff which will cause moss development.

o You reduce soil compaction especially on high traffic lawns. pedestrian traffic encourages compaction. When the soil is compacted, nutrients, water and air don’t circulate properly. Thus, you would like to lawn aerate to assist the roots get the nutrients it needs.

o Aerate your lawn to regulate thatch development. once you poke holes, you break the strands and particles that become thatch. If there’s a thatch developing within the soil near the roots, you poking holes once you lawn aerate and thus breaks them and avoids their development.

When you lawn aerate regularly, it’ll help improve the health of your turf and can avoid diseases and pests including thatch harming your lawn.

You will need to lawn aerate a no-traffic lawn once every other year except for medium to high traffic lawns including those with predisposal to thatch, you’ll got to lawn aerate twice a year or as often as you are feeling necessary.

You may not need huge lawn aerating machine as actually because turf aeration using spikes may help but once or twice a year, you’ll perform core aeration for greater benefit.